Course Sequence/Road Map

English Ed Program Road Map (Catalog year: 2022-23)

First Year Students: Follow Years 1-4; adapt as needed
Transfers: Follow Years 3-4; adapt as needed

  • Choices in the first two years are interchangeable, with the exception of GE A2, which should be taken in the first year.
  • This road map is set up in 15 unit increments, and is designed to meet GE plus lower division English major requirements in 4 semesters.
  • Some find performance improves when the course load is reduced to 12 units per semester. In this case, lower division summer classes can speed time to graduation. Without summer classes, GE completion + lower division major requirements will take 5 semesters: Remove one course from each of the first four semesters and take those in the fifth semester.

Year One, Fall (15 units)

GE, A1 Oral Communication (minimum grade of C)
GE, A2 English Writing (minimum grade of C)
GE, A3 Critical Thinking (minimum grade of C)
GE, B3 Mathematics (minimum grade of C)
GE, C2 Major Literature framed by Traditions (Two are required; take one this semester) ENGL 120, 220, 250

Year One, Spring (15 units)

GE, B2 Life Sciences (Must have a lab in either B1 or B2)
Major Literature framed by Traditions (Two are required; take one this semester) ENGL 120, 220, 250
GE, B4 Computers and Information Technology
GE, C1 Art GE, C3a Language (minimum grade of C)

Year Two, Fall (15 units)

GE, B1 Physical Sciences (Must have a lab in either B1 or B2)
GE C3b& Major, Multicultural: Literature Framed by Genre (minimum grade of C) ENGL 240
GE, Area D Social Perspectives Over time, select a total of 4 courses – 3 of the 4 must be from a different discipline
GE, Area D Social Perspectives Over time, select a total of 4 courses – 3 of the 4 must be from a different discipline
GE, Area E Human Psychological and Physiological Perspectives Select 3 units, only 1 physical activity unit allowed.

Year Two, Spring (15 units)

GE, A.I. American Institutions Requirement See catalog for options.
GE, A.I. American Institutions Requirement See catalog for options.
Major, Literature Framed by Theme or Concept ENGL 210
GE, Area D Social Perspectives Over time, select a total of 4 courses – 3 of the 4 must be from a different discipline
GE, Area D Social Perspectives Over time, select a total of 4 courses – 3 of the 4 must be from a different discipline.

Years Three & Four (Transfers Start Here)

Choices in years 3 and 4 are interchangeable unless noted.

  • This road map is set up in 15 unit increments, and is designed to meet UDIGE plus upper division major requirements in 4 semesters.
  • Some find performance improves by reducing the course load to 12 units/semester. Time to graduation can be made up by taking summer courses when offered by CI (Check the Extended University website for offerings). Otherwise, requirements will take 5 semesters; simply remove one course from each of the first four semesters and take those in the fifth.
  • Note that the 12 units of electives that are requirements for the English major are incorporated into the English Ed option and there is no need for an additional 12 units.
  • Recommended additional University elective courses for prospective teachers include:
    • Complete a minor (15 units of electives free for this; may require additional courses)
    • ENGL 251; 260; 328; 344; 353; 461-464; 482
    • SPAN 102-304; CHS 364
    • EDUC 343, 431, 445;
    • PSY 150, 213, 445;
    • SPED 345 (fulfills UDGE-D; prereq for credential program)
    • Credential Prereqs (require senior standing): EDSS 515; EDUC 512; EDUC 524 (5)

Year Three, Fall (15 units)

Major, ENGL 315 – Introduction to Language, Structure and Linguistics Units: 3 Take prior to fall of year four, Prerequisite for ENGL 474.
Major, ENGL 330 – Interdisciplinary Writing Units: 3
Major, UDGE – C ENGL 349 – Perspectives on Multicultural Literature Units: 3
Major, ENGL 360 – Literary Theory Units: 3
Option Elective Select 1 of the following English Ed electives: 475 or Comm/Educ 345

Year Three, Spring (16 units). If you choose to take Capstone in the fall of senior year, your Capstone portfolio is due April 1.

Major Major Authors: Must take two of the three; take one this semester and one next. ENGL 325 – Major Non-Western Authors Units: 3
ENGL 326 – Major British and European Authors Units: 3
ENGL 327 – Major American Authors Units: 3
UDGE, out of major, Take any UDGE – B or UDGE D course numbered 330-349 or 430-449, except courses with ENGL prefixes or courses already required here. SPED 345 is recommended.
Option Elective, Select 1 of the following English Ed electives:
ENGL 477 (spring only): 3 units
ENGL 475: 3 units
Comm/Educ 345: 3 units
Elective, GE, or minor, Take a university elective in support of your 120 units needed to graduate. See recommended list at the top of page 2, coordinate into one area for a minor, or complete any outstanding GE requirements.

Year Four, Fall (15 units). If you are taking Capstone in the last semester of senior year, portfolio is due Nov 1.

Major, Major Authors: Must take two of the three; take a different one this semester. ENGL 325 – Major Non-Western Authors Units: 3
ENGL 326 – Major British and European Authors Units: 3
ENGL 327 – Major American Authors Units: 3

ENGL 410 – Shakespeare’s Plays (Cross-listed as PATH 410) Units: 3
Option Elective, ENGL 474 (fall only), Approaches to English Grammar (3)
Option Elective, ENGL 478 (fall only), Writing as Reflective Practice (3)

Option Elective, ENGL 479 (Fall Only): 1 unit
UDGE, out of major, Take any UDGE – B or UDGE-D (SPED 345 is recommended) course numbered 330-349 or 430-449, except courses with ENGL prefixes or courses already required here.

Year Four, Spring (15 units). 

Major, ENGL 499 – Capstone Project/Senior Seminar Units: 3
Option Elective, Select 1 of the following English Ed electives: 477 (spring only), 475, Comm/Educ 345.
Elective, GE, or minor, Take a university elective in support of your 120 units needed to graduate. See recommended list at the top of page 2, coordinate into one area for a minor, or complete any outstanding GE requirements.
Elective, GE, or minor, Take a university elective in support of your 120 units needed to graduate. See recommended list at the top of page 2, coordinate into one area for a minor, or complete any outstanding GE requirements.
Elective, GE, or minor, Take a university elective in support of your 120 units needed to graduate. See recommended list at the top of page 2, coordinate into one area for a minor, or complete any outstanding GE requirements.
